About Me

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's Been Awhile...

So the summer has gone by very fast, and surprisingly its almost over. This week has been pretty hectic for me here on the home front. Me and my roommate finally got word that we got the apartment that we had been looking at for sometime. Lowe's is starting to get ridiculous. For awhile, it seemed like before my shift was up I would either be fired or i would quit. Sometimes I wonder if i should just start to find a new job (That won't happen).

School starts on the 19th, which is the same week of my birthday. I feel school is going to really different this year with me moving off campus. It sucks because i became real close to a few people on campus and this year I will barely be there. I'm def going to miss dorm life (I never thought I would say that). I'm turning 21 this year and I don't feel like it. It's crazy to think, but its just a number and it wont change who I am. It crazy to go home now, because a lot has changed since I moved to Tennessee a year ago. I kinda wonder what would have happened if I would have stayed home. My move to Tennessee still sends questions to my head, but I know I did the right thing and packed up. Maybe one day everything will work its was out in Indiana.

My computer currently sucking... I guess its four years old so it has its right but i really don't have the money to spend on a replacement. It just drives me crazy that I'm a omputer major and I cannot fix my own. Maybe I should change majors, lol!! IDK, I guess I'm out Stay near for more post!!

-Derek A. Sullivan
Go Cubs!

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal..."

RIP Aunt Cindi, We Love You!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

First Entree/Summer!!

What's going on everybody! It is the beginning of June and the start of my summer break. I just recently finished my first year at Tennessee Temple University, and I have to say it went by FAST!! It's amazing how many life long friends you can meet in a year. I really believe that I wouldn't trade this past year for anything. From moving nine hours away from everyone that I have ever known and loved... to helping in a small part to start a church here in Chattanooga. Though at times it felt like this Tennessee thing wasn't for me, I trusted the Lord and what he had in plan for me here.

Though I moved nine hours away, some things never change. I still work at Lowe's and hate every minute of it. Its' funny how I've said this for almost three years now, but I have never looked for another job. huh... Currently I am living on a few friends of mine's, Jon and Mike, couch until school starts again. Then it is off to live with the Mavericks on first Floor Gene Lennon. I have a feeling that it is going to be an amazing year with those guys! Stay near for more post, im out!

-Derek A. Sullivan
Go Cubs!

btw... Congrats to Randy Johnson for his 300 career win, this is some feat!